Get 7D8226 C-Brand RING SEAL at wholesale prices, from the primary dealer and supplier of heavy-duty parts.Specifications:"Inside Diameter (mm): 179 Cross Section Direction: Internal Lip Facing Shaft Dia Primary Sealing Material: Plastic"Compatible Models:"WHEEL-TYPE SKIDDER515 525ARTICULATED TRUCK725C 725 730 735MOTOR GRADER140H NA 12H NA 12H 12G 12K 130G 140K 2 163H 140H ES 12H ES 14H NA 140 160 143H 160H NA 160K 140K 163H NA 160H 160G 140H 160H ES 140G 14H 14GARTICULATED DUMP TRUCK725C2 725 730C2 730C 730C2 EJ 730"
Get 7D8226 C-Brand RING SEAL At Wholesale Prices, get heavy-duty parts from the biggest dealer and supplier.Specifications:"Inside Diameter (mm): 179 Cross Section Direction: Internal Lip Facing Shaft Dia Primary Sealing Material: Plastic"Compatible Models:"WHEEL-TYPE SKIDDER 515 525 ARTICULATED TRUCK 725C 725 730 735 MOTOR GRADER 140H NA 12H NA 12H 12G 12K 130G 140K 2 163H 140H ES 12H ES 14H NA 140 160 143H 160H NA 160K 140K 163H NA 160H 160G 140H 160H ES 140G 14H 14G ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCK 725C2 725 730C2 730C 730C2 EJ 730"